REST API Get Certificate

Get CertificateHTTPS GET

To retrieve information about an existing certificate using the ZeroSSL API you will need to make an HTTPS GET request to the API's certificates and pass the given certificate ID (hash) to the URL inside the {id} parameter, as shown below.

API Request URL:{id}

HTTPS GET Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key access_key[Required] Use this parameter to specify your API access key.
{id} {id}[Required] Use this parameter to specify your certificate ID / hash.

API Response:

If your API request has been successful, you will receive a JSON API response containing all the details of your SSL certificate. For illustration purposes, you will find an example API response below.

    "id": "a856a39a1c3ad0s8asa606g37667d221",
    "type": "1",
    "common_name": "",
    "additional_domains": "",
    "created": "2020-04-29 09:04:19",
    "expires": "2020-07-28 00:00:00",
    "status": "draft",
    "validation_type": null,
    "validation_emails": null,
    "replacement_for": "",
    "fingerprint_sha1": null,
    "brand_validation": null,
    "validation": {
        "email_validation": {
            "": [
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]"
        "other_methods": {
            "": {
                "file_validation_url_http": "",
                "file_validation_url_https": "",
                "file_validation_content": [
                "cname_validation_p1": "",
                "cname_validation_p2": ""
            "": {
                "file_validation_url_http": "",
                "file_validation_url_https": "",
                "file_validation_content": [
                "cname_validation_p1": "",
                "cname_validation_p2": ""   

Response Objects:

Parameter Description
id idReturns the internal certificate ID, also referred to as certificate hash.
type typeReturns a numeric ID to identify the certificate type. Possible values: 1 (90-day), 2 (90-day wildcard), 3 (90-day multi-domain), 4 (1-year), 5 (1-year wildcard), 6 (1-year multi-domain)
common_name common_nameReturns the common name (e.g. of your certificate.
additional_domains additional_domainsReturns any additional domains (SANs) in your certificate.
created createdReturns the exact time (UTC) your certificate was created.
expires expiresReturns the exact time (UTC) your certificate will expire.
status statusReturns the current certificate status. Possible values: draft, pending_validation, issued, revoked, cancelled, expired
validation_type validation_typeReturns null if domain verification has not been initiated, or the selected verification type. Possible values: EMAIL (email verification), CNAME_CSR_HASH (CNAME verification), HTTP_CSR_HASH (HTTP file upload), HTTPS_CSR_HASH (HTTPS file upload)
validation_emails validation_emailsReturns one or a comma-separated list of selected verification emails if email verification is chosen for this certificate.
replacement_for replacement_forReturns the ID (certificate hash) of the existing certificate this certificate is replacing as part of a renewal.
fingerprint_sha1 fingerprint_sha1The SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate (if issued). [Note: Added in autumn 2022, is null for older certificates.]
brand_validation brand_validationUsually null or false - only true for very few certificates where the domain has to be manually reviewed.
validation validationReturns a series of sub-objects related to domain verification.
email_validation email_validationReturns an array of eligible domain verification emails.
other_methods other_methodsReturns a series of sub-objects (one for each domain in your certificate) containing alternative verification methods.
file_validation_url_http file_validation_url_httpReturns the URL (http format) your verification file must be uploaded to as part of domain verification.
file_validation_url_https file_validation_url_httpsReturns the URL (https format) your verification file must be uploaded to as part of domain verification.
file_validation_content file_validation_contentReturns the content your verification file must contain, consisting of three lines of plain-text.
cname_validation_p1 cname_validation_p1Returns the host-part (Name) of the CNAME-record that must be created as part of domain verification.
cname_validation_p2 cname_validation_p2Returns the value-part (Point To) of the CNAME-record that must be created as part of domain verification.